Why Do We Give?
We want to follow the example of Jesus in all areas of our lives. Jesus invested everything as he laid down his life for the church, and in the same way we want to invest what we have in order to build and strengthen the church.
The Bible has a lot to say about the way we handle money. We give simply because Jesus calls us to give. It’s a basic part of being a Christian and being committed to a local church. The starting point is normally a tenth of our income - this is known as a ‘tithe’. The Bible lays down some helpful guidelines (e.g. 1 Corinthians 16 and 2 Corinthians 9):
Freely – cheerfully and not under compulsion.
Regularly – each week or month.
Proportionally – according to our income.
Locally – our primary commitment is to the local church.
Sacrificially – trusting God to supply all our needs.
How to Give
Bank Transfer
You can give directly by bank transfer, using the following details:
S/C: 40-27-33
A/N: 41521446
Ref: [Your Name]
You also can set up either a one-off donation or a standing order online.