“a way to serve god is by serving other people”
We believe that the Church is healthy when everybody is contributing. Here at Mosaic serving teams provides an opportunity for everyone to use their gifts to make Sunday gatherings a place where people encounter God and find community.
Whether it be serving on the welcome team, working with the children, Sunday Ops, Visuals/Video Production, PA, Tea & Coffee, or offering to work with our Youth, we encourage everyone to get stuck in!
If you’d be up for serving on a Sunday, fill in the form below, or email us at info@mosaic-church.org.uk for more information.
Other ways to SErve
We want to serve our church community and serve Leeds, in the best way we can, by backing creative ideas that seek the wellbeing of our neighbours and of our city. If you have a vision stirring for something that might bring hope to those around us, let us know here.
We also support a number of ministries & partner organisations that serve the most vulnerable in our society.
Below are links to some of these initiatives that we’re getting behind as a church. Please do be praying for them.
Equally, if you want to access the services offered, for yourself or on behalf of someone else, you can find further information and contact details via the same links.
Intern year
Impact Training is a year given over to learning more about God, getting a passion for the nations and having your life turned upside down. We’ll give you the opportunity to travel overseas and see how the gospel is reaching other nations, participate in the growth of a local church and equip you in sound theology and leadership skills.
serving form
We’re so thankful for everyone who serves and we’re excited that you want to join a team!